Join us for adult Sunday school, mid-week classes, small groups, sermon studies, and more. Whether you're looking for serious studies or casual conversation, in person or online, we're sure to have something for you. To get involved with a class or small group, contact the group leader, or reach out to our Director of Christian Formation, Elaine Woods, at for help deciding on the best group for you.
Our online 7 p.m. Monday night sessions are currently ongoing, We recently began reading and discussing Robert Farrar Capon’s The Mystery of Christ: And Why We Don’t Get It. If you’ve not read Capon before, you’re in for ride. He writes for a lay audience, and he aims to make reading him as fun as the gospel. The Mystery of Christ is gospel proclamation in the form of pastoral counseling sessions. Join us live on Riverside Mondays at 7 p.m. at , or catch the recordings at .
Adult Sunday School Classes
Steps in Faith
Sundays, 9:15 a.m., Room 302 or on Zoom
For our fall study, we will examine the Gospel of Luke, comparing it to the Gospel of Mark and placing both in a historical context. We will examine where the writer of Luke expands sayings found in Mark as well additional information not found in the Gospel of Mark and John. Lots of discussions and lots of different opinions. Anyone wishing to participate in person need only show up! If you want to be included on our mailing list and receive the zoom link, contact Jerry Beyer at . If you are already receiving info from Jerry via email, there is no need to “re-up”.
Women in Search of Truth
Sundays, 9-9:45 a.m. on Zoom
The Women in Truth Bible Study is beginning a new topic: “Amos - An Invitation to the Good Life” with video sessions by Jennifer Rothschild and small group discussion and prayer. Come learn about this often overlooked book/prophet and how we are called to seek God and live as assured, faithful, chosen, humble, justly, prayerful, and hopeful children of God! All are welcome! Contact Brenda Poole at with questions.
Sunday Free-for-All
Most Sundays, 9:15 a.m., Hughes Hall
Join Rev. Jason Micheli for a a free-for-all discussion of the day’s scripture, recent sermons, or any other faith-based questions you have. We meet on Sundays when the “Meet the Church” new member class is not occuring. All are welcome!
Meet the Church
Specific Sundays, 9:15 a.m., Hughes Hall
This class is for visitors, new members, and others curious about the culture and beliefs here at Annandale UMC. It meets on specific Sundays throughout the year in Hughes Hall, the smaller sanctuary space immediately in front of the main doors. All are welcome. This class is hosted by our Head Pastor Rev. Jason Micheli and our Communications Manager, Richard Bass. If you’re thinking of attending and would like to know the next class date, give Richard a heads up at
The Annandale United Women of Faith
This group provides an opportunity for women to grow in spirituality together. There are several different circles of the AUWF, with different meeting times:
Lydia Circle
Second Thursdays, 10 a.m. in Room 210
Contact Sally Bizer at 703-623-3359 for details.
Mary and Martha Circle
Third Saturdays, 8:30 a.m. at the home of various members.
Contact Debbi Iwig at 202-294-9939 for more information.
Martha Circle
Last Mondays, 11 a.m. at the Mission Center
Call Betsy Clevenger at 703-425-6424 for details.
Sarah Elisabeth Circle
Second Sundays, 12:30 p.m. in Room 210
Contact Beth Ann Eadie at 703-750-1867 for details. for more information.
AUWF Book Club
First Mondays, 10 a.m. in the Little White Church
We use the UWF reading list.
Other Classes
Grace and Truth Small Group
Mondays at 7 p.m.
We are currently discussing our favorite Bible verses. Contact Bob Herbst, or Teddy Loeffler, for details.
1 Kings Men's Bible Study
First and Third Saturdays at 8:30 a.m.