Children's Ministries

Connect, Grow, Serve

Children are a vital part of our ministry. We invite children to have fun and learn about God’s love for them. We offer activities for 2-year-olds through fifth graders.

New here? Fill out the form at to connect your child with our children’s activities.

Elaine Woods, director of Christian Formation

Elaine comes to us with a degree in Education and a strong background in theology and ministry. Before joining the Annandale UMC staff in January 2024, she worked as the Director of Children’s Ministries at Aldersgate UMC for 12 years, where she developed and expanded Christian education programs for children and collaborated with ministry leaders to provide intergenerational outreach events for both the congregation and local community. She has four adult children, a daughter-in-law, and a precious granddaughter. She enjoys hiking and hopes to visit every national park. She loves espresso and French pastries and delights in baking sweets.

 At Annandale UMC, we believe children, their families, and young adults are a vital part of our ministry. It is also important we deepen faith and understanding of scripture across all ages at our congregation. With pastors, staff, and lay leaders, Elaine is the lead developer of a vision plan for all Christian Formation at Annandale UMC, coordinates recurring formation programs for children and adults, develops and oversee special events for children and families and young adults, and cultivates lay leadership by identifying gifts and talents of parishioners and encouraging, empowering, and training volunteers.

Growing in Faith Together

Children’s Church, Sundays during 10:30 a.m. worship. Children are invited to a worship experience specifically designed for ages 3-5th grade.  Children will encounter God in new and exciting ways as they grow their faith through engaging and interacting with a weekly message, activity, and more. Children start in the sanctuary with their parents and follow the leaders out after the children’s story. They return to the sanctuary prior to communion each Sunday.
 Children’s Sunday School, Sundays, 9:35 - 10:15 a.m. Kindergarten/1st grade in room 313, as well as 2nd/3rd grade in room 314, explore Biblical stories through the Godly Play curriculum which promotes wondering and fosters faith. 4th/5th grade meets in room 309, following the Storymakers curriculum with a “Faith Guide” unit exploring foundations of the Christian faith such as the sacraments, Apostle’s Creed, Lord’s Prayer, and Ten Commandments. Pre-K is kicking off the year in room 208 with the Sparks curriculum.
K-5 Children’s Music, Sundays, 9-9:30 a.m. Children experience the joy of making music with boomwhackers, drumming, and singing. They perform the songs they’ve practiced together on special Sundays during worship. Following Children’s Choir, children can go straight to Sunday school. While the K-5 Choir meets, preschool age children (ages 3-5) are invited  with a parent/guardian to hang out in the play zone (room 208).

Making Space for Children During Worship

Nursery care: Quality, faith-based care for our littlest friends (infants – age 3) is available in the nursery, room 207, Sunday mornings beginning at 10 a.m..
Children’s Wiggle Corner: As an act of welcome and hospitality for families with young children, a part of our atrium with a good view through the glass doors and walls into the sanctuary holds children’s worship bags with coloring and other quiet activites, a collection of soft toys, a child-friendly table and chair set up, and some Bible-based books for kiddos. Parents with young children are free to choose what works best for them at any given time, be that joining everyone in the sanctuary, using the nursery, or checking out the wiggle corner; first and foremost, you and your children are welcome as you are, wiggles and all, in whatever space you choose to worship and gather with us.
Space to move: Room 208, a children’s playroom, is set up with a TV streaming our worship services. This additional option helps families with children too old for the nursery who need space to move and play. Parents are asked to accompany their children when visiting room 208, where they can watch the service while their children get their energy out. Feel free to duck in and out of room 208 as needed. A special thanks for Daniel and Jesse Hartley for donating the TV for this playroom!
Our children’s dance troupe performs during special worship services throughout the year, including Palm Sunday and Youth Sunday. All children, 2nd-5th grade, are welcome to join the troupe. Rehearsals are during the Children’s Church time in worship in the lead-up to performances. Contact Elaine with questions or to get involved at .

Get Involved

It takes a village in Children's Ministries. Whether you're interested in helping lead a children's Sunday school class or just have a few minutes to help clean up after an event, we're grateful for your assistance! Contact Elaine Woods at to learn how you can get involved.
Annandale UMC needs volunteers to teach Children’s Church during the sermon for about 30 minutes. Children ages 4 - 12 start in the sanctuary with their parents and follow the leaders out after the children’s story. They return to the sanctuary prior to communion each Sunday. Curriculum and supplies are provided. Sign up at

Upcoming Children's Events