Youth Ministries

A safe space for 6th-12th graders to explore their faith.

Director: Rev. Peter Kwon,

Stay connected with us on Facebook at or Instagram at – for the privacy of our students, you’ll need to log in to connect with us.

To keep up with Youth activities email Peter Kwon and ask him to add you to his mailing list.

Upcoming Youth Events

Weekly Activities, September-May

Youth Night meets on Sundays,  6-7:30 p.m. downstairs in the Youth Room, except when special activities or holidays occur on Sundays. Check the Upcoming Events below for information on upcoming events.

Youth Night Dinner Signup: No Youth Program would be successful without dedicated parents who are invested and supportive. We thank God for such wonderful parents who are willing to pray for our church and ministry, volunteer and FEED US!  To sign up to bring dinner for our students one night, click here.

Donuts with Pastor Peter on Sundays, 9:15 a.m. in Wright Hall. For any youth who are at church early while their younger siblings or parents are in Sunday school, this is a casual time to catch up and wake up on Sunday morning.

Supporting our students: Let Peter know your schedules for sport events, performances, or anything else! He’d love to be there to show support for you!