Our Pastors, Staff, and Lay Leaders

Need to get in touch? Call our church office at 703-256-8330 or email office@annandale-umc.org .

Rev. Jason Micheli, Head Pastor

Ever since conscripted church attendance led to a surprising and converting encounter with the Risen Christ, Jesus has gleefully afflicted me with the right kind of nightmares and continues to tame my stubborn cynicism. Or should I say, Jesus is giving me different things about which to be cynical. After all, if Jesus is Lord and his grace without any ifs ands or buts, meanwhile the world knows it not, then my friend Stan the Man is dead-on right, “Jesus is Lord and everything else is BS.” Thus, I try to serve Jesus with the good humor and sheer hopefulness that befits a life of faith in a world that insists on acting as though Jesus is dead.

I’m an irreverent reverend with one smart wife who is an attorney and whose only poor decision was perhaps marrying me. I have two wonderful sons who continue to disobey their father by growing up. I’m the author of a few books. I write for outlets like Mockingbird and the Christian Century magazine. I host a podcast (we’re a big deal), and I have incurable cancer, which means I’m as terminal as you, dear reader. Also, I like pickles. As an Enneagram 8, I have no shortage of opinions or scarcity of words with which to express them. It also accounts for why sarcasm is my love language.

Proving that Jesus has a sense of humor, I’ve been a preacher since 2000. I’ve served congregations in New Jersey and Virginia. I’ve planted a church and I ministered as a prison chaplain back in the day.

You can check me out at https://substack.com/@jasonmicheli.

Rev. Peter Kwon, Associate Pastor

Unlike Jason with his unnecessarily edgy and forced jokes, Peter Kwon displays a gentle, calm and loving presence that will remind anyone of his homeboy JC.
A passionate young pastor, Peter is also tremendously gifted at befriending strangers, preaching and playing music on his guitar. Although he doesn’t care too much about archaic musicians and rock stars, he is deeply passionate about hip-hop, its culture and history. He is staying faithful to his mother’s command from fifteen years ago by staying away from the oven (for safety, of course), but finds preparing food using the microwave a lot safer and more efficient.  In his free time, you can expect to find him in the corner of his bed, napping in the fetal position.

Patrick Vaughn, Director of Worship

Pat Vaughn has been at Annandale UMC for over fifteen years, first as Director of Music Ministries and more recently as Director of Worship. In addition to wrangling the members of the choirs and handbell ensembles at church, he can often be found troubleshooting a sound system, sweeping the floors of Wright Hall or serving as the resident security man when the power is knocked out.

As a father of four and a husband of over 25 years to Margaret (she lost a bet), his love for travel and spending time with the kids is what keeps him going!

Elaine Woods, Director of Christian Formation

Elaine comes to us with a degree in Education with a strong background in theology and ministry. She worked as the Director of Children’s Ministries at Aldersgate UMC for 12 years, where she developed and expanded Christian education programs for children and collaborated with ministry leaders to provide intergenerational outreach events for both the congregation and local community. She has four adult children, a daughter-in-law, and a precious granddaughter who just turned two. She enjoys hiking and hopes to visit every national park (she has hiked 15 so far). She loves espresso and French pastries and delights in baking sweets.

At Annandale UMC, we believe children, their families, and young adults are a vital part of our ministry. It is also important we deepen faith and understanding of scripture across all ages at our congregation. With pastors, staff, and lay leaders, Elaine will lead the development of a vision plan for all Christian Formation at Annandale UMC, coordinate recurring formation programs for children and adults, develop and oversee special events for children and families and young adults, and cultivate lay leadership by identifying gifts and talents of parishioners and encouraging, empowering, and training volunteers.

Angela Wilmore, Executive Director of Weekday Children’s Programs

Angela’s mission in life is to “impart wisdom” and works to be a Beacon of Light for Children, Families and Community by creating an inclusive and diverse culture where all are continuously learning.  Angela’s journey working with families spans over thirty years through her work at churches, nonprofits, corporations, early learning programs, public schools, and consulting firms where she led teams focused on early childhood education. In July of 2017, she became the Director of AUMC’s Child Development Center, and in September 2018 became the Executive Director of AUMC’s three Weekday Children’s Programs. As a life-long learner she has earned many levels of education and training to include a Combined Master’s degree in Organizational and Educational Leadership from Fischler School of Education and H. Wayne Huizenga School of Business at Nova Southeastern University, Bachelor of Science degree in Organizational Management and Human Resources from Palm Beach Atlantic University, as well as foundational degrees -Associate of Science in Accounting and Pedology (the study of children). 

Other Staff

Richard Bass, Communications Manager
Richard is responsible for implementing a comprehensive communication plan to promote AUMC’s programs, activities, events and vision and to help strengthen the church’s role and identity in the community. Email him with anything you want publicized: upcoming events, articles for the weekly Connect email, etc.
Diana Dzikiewicz, Media Specialist
Diana is responsible for assembling and producing all publications and electronic display media, including the website. Email her with questions, comments, or requests regarding website and recorded service content.
Harry Elanko, Business Administrator
Harry is responsible for administering the business affairs of AUMC and is in charge of the work in the church’s administrative offices. Contact him to schedule a large-scale event at AUMC: a wedding, a funeral, and so on.
Goldy Galeano, Custodian
Goldy and Mauricio are responsible for the cleanliness of the church and its furnishings.
Mauricio Marin, Custodian
Mauricio and Goldy are responsible for the cleanliness of the church and its furnishings.
Tom Sellner, Facility Maintenance Supervisor and Technician
Tom performs or oversees the maintenance and improvements of AUMC’s facilities and equipment and oversees the work of the custodians.
Nakia Smith, Accountant
Nakia is responsible for the maintenance of all of AUMC’s accounts and financial records. Contact her for information on your giving statement.

Lay Leadership

Church Council 
Lay Leader/Church Council Chair: Pam Jones
Recording Secretary: Dennis Zulu
Annual Conference Delegates: Pam Jones, Katy Padilla
Finance Chair: Jay Morris
Treasurer: Tracy Carney
Trustee Co-Chairs: Scott Fleming and Becky Sellner
Staff-Parish Relations Chairs: Katy Padilla and Michelle Robinson
Mission Center Board Representatives: John Clarke and Ann Cooke
AUMC Foundation Board President: Rob Cannon
“5G Network” Stewardship Chair: Bill Iwig
Stephen Ministry Coordinator: Cyndi Jones
Mission Chair: Teresa Beyer
United Women in Faith: Sandy Barker
United Methodist Men: Gary FitzGibbon
Finance Committee
Treasurer: Tracy Carney
Class of 2024: Paul Hartley, Lutricia Fields
Class of 2025: Jay Morris (chair), Rex Grigg, Kelly Dawn Watts
Class of 2026: Troy Klinger, Francine Cannon, Teresa Hoyt

Staff Parish Relations Committee
Co-chairs: Michelle Robinson and Katy Padilla
Class of 2024: Daniel Hartley, Catherine Coley, Gerald Bruce
Class of 2025: Brad Todd, Karli Eddinger, Sara Miller
Class of 2026: Katy Padilla, Michelle Robinson

Trustees Committee
Co-chairs: Becky Sellner and Scott Fleming
Class of 2024: Becky Sellner, Brenda Poole, Beth Graves
Class of 2025: Ann Cooke, Dale Ruhter, Scott Fleming
Class of 2026: Taye Nadi, Bill Pemberton, Jacquelyn Hartley

Lay Leadership Committee
Co-chairs: Jason Micheli and Pam Jones
Class of 2024: Teresa Beyer, Sally Bizer, Bill Pemberton
Class of 2025: Pat Sherfey, Steve Reynolds, Margaret Vaughn
Class of 2026: Christi Schwarten, Scott Taggert, Pam Jones

Foundation Board of Directors
Rob Cannon
Kyla Carney
Jim McConville
Paul Hartley
Susan Clarke
Lauren Twomey

Mission Center Board of Directors
Dana A. Goward
Betsy Clevenger
John Clarke
Ann Cooke
Marcia Twomey
Jason Micheli (non-voting)

Mission Committee
Chair: Teresa Beyer
Members: Carolyn Staymen, Gerhard Beyer, Bill Iwig, John Clarke, Cyndi Jones, Brad Todd, Robin Patton, Betsy Clevenger, Steve Reynolds, Pat Sherfey, Scott Houghton, Cory Culver, Dana B. Goward, Jay Morris, Ted Torsch

Please thank our AUMC volunteers when you see them for their time and dedication!