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Annandale United Methodist Church seeks to alleviate hunger in our community by providing food once a week to those in need. We distribute items donated by individuals, nonprofits, farmer markets and local food services and grocery stores, as well as food we purchase. We serve between 350 and 400 families a week, using a client-choice model. Every effort is made to have milk and fresh produce available regularly along with bread and canned and dry goods.
Important: This mission serves community members living in the 22003 Annandale zip code. Clients must register showing evidence (utility bill, driver’s license, etc.) of living in our service area. One registration card/food pickup per household per week. Persons living outside zip code 22003 will be given a small bag of food with information about other food sites in Fairfax County.
Important: This mission serves community members living in the 22003 Annandale zip code. Clients must register showing evidence (utility bill, driver’s license, etc.) of living in our service area. One registration card/food pickup per household per week. Persons living outside zip code 22003 will be given a small bag of food with information about other food sites in Fairfax County.
- To receive food, come on Thursdays from 4-6:30 p.m.
- To help us prepare and distribute food on Thursdays, sign up here.
- To help pick up and transport food at variable times during the week when you are available, contact Bill Sinclair at billsinclair2@verizon.net or 703-966-8443
Low Cost, Healthy Recipes
As part of Emily Bryceland's work towards her Girl Scout Gold Award, she worked with Betsy Clevenger, who founded and for many years led our food distribution program, to create recipe cards for the Annandale UMC food bank.
As part of Emily Bryceland's work towards her Girl Scout Gold Award, she worked with Betsy Clevenger, who founded and for many years led our food distribution program, to create recipe cards for the Annandale UMC food bank.
Food Ministry Partners
Capital Area Food Bank
Food for Others
Capital Area Food Bank
Food for Others
Regular Contributors
Giant, Panera, Green Springs Garden, SevaTruck, Swiss Bakery, Ronald McDonald House, Mason District Farmers’ Market
Giant, Panera, Green Springs Garden, SevaTruck, Swiss Bakery, Ronald McDonald House, Mason District Farmers’ Market
The Mission Center serves our community in a wide variety of ways, and we couldn't do it without your generous gifts of funding and time.
Unless otherwise specified, the Mission Center Board will use gifts to address the center’s most pressing needs.
Click here for our volunteer handbook.
Click here to volunteer for the Thursday Food Distribution.
To volunteer with other programs, see the points of contact on each page below.
For even more volunteer opportunities contact Dana A. Goward at dagoward@gmail.com .
We are presently searching for a Spanish Language Volunteer Coordinator; check the document here for more information.
Click here for our volunteer handbook.
Click here to volunteer for the Thursday Food Distribution.
To volunteer with other programs, see the points of contact on each page below.
For even more volunteer opportunities contact Dana A. Goward at dagoward@gmail.com .
We are presently searching for a Spanish Language Volunteer Coordinator; check the document here for more information.